Farfuglar ses

Farfuglaheimili eru frábær kostur fyrir einstaklinga, fjölskyldur og hópa. Þau eru öllum opin og bjóða gestum sínum góða gistingu í hreinlegu og vistlegu umhverfi á hagkvæmu verði. Hér á landi eru starfandi 35 farfuglaheimili um land allt. Farfuglar eru aðilar að stærstu gistihúsakeðju í heimi - Hostelling International. Með því að gerast félagi í Farfuglum nýtur þú bestu kjara á rúmlega 4000 farfuglaheimilum um allan heim.
Hostels - More Than Just Accommodation
Although the main focus of the hostels is to provide a comfortable accommodation at an affordable price, a hostel is more than just a place to sleep. Each hostels is unique with its own history and charm, which helps making your stay at our hostels a truly enjoyable experience.
You can choose from 35 Hostelling International Hostels (HI Hostels) around the country. For detailed information on each hostel see our map.
Budget accommodation with optional self service when traveling at minimum cost.
Each hostel is unique.
New hostels with modern facilities and old charming renovated hostels but all with a friendly and helpful service from the staff.
Ideal places for individuals, families and groups.
The hostels are open to people of all ages.
Þorsteinn Jóhannesson
FramkvæmdastjóriSigríður Ólafsdóttir