Fjallasýn Rúnars Óskarssonar / Arctic Nature Experience
Hópferðaþjónusta og sérferðir. Skipulag skoðunarferða og alferða. Leiðsögn um Norðausturland. Áhugatengd upplifun t.d. gönguferðir og fuglaskoðun.
Fjallasýn er ferðaþjónustufyrirtæki á Norðausturlandi með mikla og langa reynslu í þjónustu við ferðafólk, sveitarfélög, fyrirtæki og stofnanir, starfsmannafélög og ýmsa aðra hópa og aðila.
Fjallasýn er með úrval skoðunarferða í boði fyrir hópa en leggur auk þess áherslu á útfæra ferðapakka eftir óskum viðskiptavina og árstíðatengdum aðstæðum.
Norðausturland er áhugavert fyrir göngufólk og Fjallasýn býður upp á gönguferðir auk þjónustu við gönguhópa.
Fjallasýn er aðili að SAF og er með öll tilskilin leyfi til reksturs hópferðaþjónustu og ferðaskrifstofu.
Guided tours and sightseeing in Northeast Iceland. Prepared tours and travel packages, as well as customized journeys & transfer. Tour planning.
Arctic Nature Experience & Fjallasýn offer variety of journeys and travel service all year-round, differently focused after seasons.
Coach rental. Tour operator. Travel agency for incoming travellers. Organizing tous and expedition for groups of all sizes.
Variety of vehicles. For private journey to big groups. For normal roads to highland back roads. For summer to winter circumstances with snow all over, in super-jeeps.
Incentive tours, custom-made agenda to match each group’s requirements and interest.
Northeast Iceland – “Edge of the Arctic” offers numerous magnificent pearls of nature, which have attracted travellers from all corner of the world. Meaningful experience, with local tour guide.
The nature and sceneries, together with culture, stories, heritage and local characters, are like the core of a journey. To meet different interest and need, Arctic Nature Experience offer selection of themes and focuses;
• Prepared hiking tours and customized tours for groups. Cross country skiing is also an option during winter.
• Bird watching tours, from a day journey to multiday packages. Northeast Iceland is the richest bird area on Iceland, both in terms of number of species and abundance of birds.
• Nature based packages with duration of up to 8 days. This package also include opportunity to see birds, whales, seals arctic foxes, as well as the biggest national park in Europe and the most powerful waterfall in Europe. And lot more.
• “Geo-tours” with guide who has knowledge of geography, the history of Iceland and of the main attractions in the area.
• Contrast of Iceland, fire and ice, geothermal and cold, coast to mountains, colours and lights etc.
• Tour planning for photographers.
• Climate change.
• Wellbeing packages, where the multifarious landscape is a great backdrop for relaxation for the traveller. The packages have reasonable short sightseeing, and the traveller will try geothermal hot pools, short walks or other types of recreation or therapy.
• Saga, heritage and culture based journeys and packages.
• Planning and implement travel and exploration for schools and study groups. For example field trips concerning geology, energy or biology.
• Seasonal emphasis, day experiences to multi-day packages with variable agenda. Such as farming activities in autumn, local food events, Christmas culture and activities, skiing and other snow related activities, and aurora borealis.
Rúnar Óskarsson