
Í Ingólfsskála er boðið upp á veisluþjónustu af öllum toga allt frá víkingaveislum til árshátíða, brúðkaupa, jólahlaðborða, þorrablóta, fyrirtækjapartý ofl. Einnig góð fundaraðstaða.
Starfsfólk Ingólfsskála leggur áherslu á að gestum líði vel og þeir njóti þess sem á borð er borið.
Matreiðslumeistarar skálans láta víkingaborðin svigna undan kræsingum og enginn fer svangur burt.
Í Ingólfsskála ræður ríkjum gestrisni víkingahöfðingja fyrri alda.
Designed in the style of Viking period longhouses Viking Restaurant Ingólfsskáli is an unusual and impressive reminder of times past but at the same an elegant modern restaurant serving traditional Icelandic cuisine.
Catering for small and large groups we pride ourselves on preserving traditional Icelandic hospitality.
Viking restaurant Ingólfsskáli is named after one of Iceland’s first settlers, Ingólfur Arnarson.
Ingólfur arrived in Iceland around the year 870 and spent his first winter near cape Ingólfur in the south-east.
The second winter Ingólfur based himself by cape Hjörleifur in south Iceland and the third winter he is thought to have stayed at the foot of mount Ingólfur, Ingólfsfjall. Ingólfur then moved to Reykjavík where he settled.
Located between the towns of Hveragerði and Selfoss Viking Restaurant Ingólfsskáli is only about 45 minutes’ drive east from Reykjavík.
Gunnar Björnsson
FramkvæmdastjóriKristín Hauksdóttir