Hótel Skúlagarður
Boðið er uppá gistingu í eins, tveggja og þriggja manna herbergjum. Í veitingasalnum er boðið uppá allar veitingar í mat og drykk. Skúlagarður er í miðju Kelduhverfi, 12 km vestan Ásbyrgis. Fjarlægðin frá Húsavík er 50 km og frá Akureyri rúmir 140 km.
Skúlagarður er opinn allan ársins hring.
Upplýsingar og pantanir í síma 465-2280, Fax: 465-2279 eða á netfang: skulagardur@simnet.is
The hotel offers 17 double rooms, one of which is specially equipped for guests with disabilities and four rooms are large enough to comfortably accommodate families. In addition, sleeping bag accommodation is available in seven rooms located in a separate building. In the summer of 2011 the hotel will start to operate from May 15th.
Food is served at the hotel and the focus remains on simple home-style cooking and fresh products from the area, such as lamb from local farmers, trout and salmon from the local fish farming and vegetables from the countryside.
At the hotel, fishing permits to a nearby popular trout-river can be bought.
Axel Ingvason