Tapas bar og veitingarstaður · Latin American Restaurant
Tapasbarinn er fullkomin staður til að skella sér á eftir vinnu og fá sér
tapas og rauðvín í góðra vina hópi í skemmtilegri spænskri stemmningu!
Þú getur smakkað um yfir 70 gómsæta tapasrétti, saltfisk, paellu, humar,
lunda og svo miklu miklu fleira.
Lamb í lakkríssósu og beikonvafinn hörpuskel með döðlum er eitthvað sem
allir verða að smakka, og að ógleymdum hvítlauksbökuðum humarhölum sem eru
algert sælgæti!
Til að fá alvöru spænska stemmingu í æð, þarftu að smakka okkar heimsfræga Sangria
með fullt af ávöxtum og okkar eigin leyniblöndu!
Imagine yourself in the hot sun of Barcelona, following the crowds down a step or two into the cool interior of a typical bodega or wine bar. Greeted by whitewashed walls, simple wooden tables and the big smile of the patron and his friendly young staff, you would be forgiven for not realizing that you are, in fact, in downtown Reykjavik.
Enter the world of Tapas Barinn, a place bursting with the delicious smells and flavours of traditional tapas along with the best of Icelandic tapas. Lining the wall are racks of fine wines and sparking glasses. And right in front of you, the hustle and bustle of tasty dishes being served up to a mixed and very loyal clientele.
Tempt your taste buds
Just like their Spanish counterparts, Icelanders go to bars and restaurants to meet friends, to chat, argue, joke and flirt. Tapas Barinn is the ideal venue for such activity, offering great food and great service in a relaxed atmosphere to complement the happiest of evenings.
Tapas Barinn is also the only restaurant in Reykjavik which kitchen is open till 01:00 on weekends and 23:30 during the week.
Let the Icelandic seafood, lamb, puffin and other native treats seduce you
From the moment you enter, you are immediately seduced by the aromas of garlic, olive oil, shellfish, secculent meats and cheese. The restaurant´s extensive menu contains over 70 dishes to suit all tasters, which can be ordered individually or as part of a main course. Alternatively, just relax and let the Master Chef select his favourites for you.
A must try is the famous Puffin with Blueberry-and Brennivín sauce. This stylish fusion of first-class service, fresh fish, seafood and Icelandic lamb has made Tapas Barinn one of the county´s most popular restaurants.
Check it out for yourself and see why.
Bento Costa Guerreiro