Bakaríið við Brúna ehf Akureyri
Veitingastaður / Kaffihús

Kaffihús og bakarí. Boðið upp á létta rétti, súpur, smurtbrauð og kökur.
Baking the Best in Akureyri
The Bakery with a Healthy Dose of Delicious Innovation
Open every morning at 6.30 for the early risers and travellers, Bakaríið við Brúna is a natural stop for a healthy breakfast, lunch or evening take-away. The shelves are packed with all kinds of breads, pastries, cakes and sandwiches—which, along with coffee make a hearty meal.
Invite your girlfriend for poetry
The café area is a cosy place; the walls are tastefully decorated with pictures of a number of different bridges around Iceland. The hand-painted tables deserve special mention, too; each with a different map on it, showing the direction from one of Iceland’s towns right to the bakery and each one inscribed with a small poem!
Bread Bowl—with a difference
A very tasty idea is the bread bowl. Take a round loaf, cut off the top, scoop out the insides and pour in fresh, hot soup. You may have had bread with soup before—but never like this. It was a delicious lunch—especially with the buns or sandwiches filled with a variety of salads, meats and cheeses. Hot pizza is also available and on Thursdays, the bakery serves a traditional Icelandic fish dish. Everything is hand-made here with the healthiest of ingredients. The delicatessen has a range of natural, locally-produced herbal teas and jams, fish oils and fresh pesto.
Après-ski Party
The bakery aims to provide the best possible service. You can order ahead—handy for groups and parties. After skiing the slopes less than 10 min away, it’s the ideal place to come to the bakery to warm up over coffee or soup and some of those delicious pastries with your friends.
You’ll find the bakery right behind the Glerártorg shopping centre.
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Kristján Gylfason
Eigandi og framkvæmdastjóri