Landnámssetur Íslands ehf
The Settlement Center

Landnámssýningin - sýning um Landnám Íslands, 30 mín hljóðleiðsögn á tólf tungumálum og barnarás.
Egilssögusýningin - sýning um Egils sögu, 30 mín hljóðleiðsögn á tólf tungumálum og barnarás.
Egilsslóð - Leiðsögn á merka sögustaði Egilssögu. Lengd ferðar eftir samkomulagi.
Leiðsögn í snjallsímum.
Leiksýningar á sögulofti.
Fyrir eða eftir leiksýningar er tilvalið að fá sér girnilegan kvöldverð í veitingahúsi Landnámsseturs. Sjá leikhústilboð.
Hlaðhönd - Gjafavöruverslun
Fundaraðstaða er bæði á Sögulofti og í veitingahúsinu.
Veisluaðstaða er í skála og í veitingahúsi. Í veitingahúsinu eru þrír salir, Arinstofa, Hvíti salur og Klettasalurinn sem rúma samtals allt að 130 manns.
Saga Exhibitions
Offering a wealth of information, the Settlement Center provides a wonderful insight into Iceland’s history. It also gives you the chance to put your visit into the context of the country’s past. The exhibitions recreate the fascinating drama of the sagas and the birth of this island nation. They also bring to life one of Iceland’s most important cultural treasures, Egils Saga.
Making the sagas accessible
The goal is to make the ancient sagas accessible to all ages, scholars and non scholars alike. Rather than a traditional museum, the Settlement Center is an installation. Multi-media and theatrical techniques are employed to help the visitor experience first hand the excitement of setting off over the open ocean for lands unknown.
Two unique exhibitions
There are two entertaining and educational exhibitions at the Settlement Center. While one tells the story of the first settlers, the other reveals the story of Iceland’s most important saga – Egils Saga. Egill Skalla-Grimson was a famous Viking and poet, and his saga is closely linked to the settlement period, as his father was one of the first settlers.
Audio guides to the history of a nation
These audio guided storytelling programs are available in 14 languages. They will give you the fascinating background you need to understand the history of this nation.
Other registrations
Kjartan Ragnarsson
ForstöðumaðurGuðmundur Karl Sigríðarson