Einar Ben veitingahús

Einar Ben is one of a select few restaurants in the higlhy competitive Reykjavík scene, where new, trendy places come and go on a monthly basis, that has fonund its way into the Icelandic psyche and has been able to maintain the delicate balance of class, comfort and top-rate food at reasonable prices that inspires customers to return.°°
The restaurant is in fact, the former home of one of Iceland ´s greatest heroes, after whom it is named. Einar Ben was a poet and pioneer who personified the dreams and ambitions of Icelanders in the early 20th century.
We emphasis on Icelandic food inspired by central European cuisine and the new Nordic cuisine philosophy, which stresses the use of local produce and fresh material.
Einar Ben have 4 different private dining areas which seats from 4 people up to 40 people. Up on the third floor is „Rauði barinn“ Einar Ben´s lounge. It is a prefect place to relax with some before or after dinner drinks. Reykjavík nightlife is legendary, so the „Red Bar“ will prepare you to start a night on the town.
Einar Ben is found on the corner og Ingólfstorg, at the end of Austurstræti, right in the city center.
If you have any special requirements then we will try to do everything we can to meet all your demands. If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to email us.
We look forward to see you.
Opening hours: 18.00 – 23.00++ every day
Leitun er að veitingastöðum með jafn heimilislegt andrúmsloft og Einar Ben í Veltusundi. Veitingastaðurinn hóf starfsemi árið 1996 og leggur undir sig bæði aðra hæð og ris hússins. Í risinu er notalegur bar og er 1 salur þar, en á annarri hæð skiptist veitingastaðurinn niður í 3 fallega sali sem hafa verið innréttaðir á klassíska vegu.
Gamla húsið fékk að njóta sín við innréttingu staðarins og þar sem veitingahúsið skiptist í nokkur rými fá gestir meira næði meðan snætt er. Falleg og þjóðleg listaverk prýða veggina og út um gluggana má fylgjast með mannlífinu á Ingólfstorgi.
Þetta er staður sem heldur í hefðirnar og í matargerðinni eru áherslurnar á vandaða og aðgengilega matargerð úr íslensku hráefni
Elín Guðmunda Magnusdottir