Mynd af Jarðefnaiðnaður ehf

Jarðefnaiðnaður ehf

Flokkun og hreinsun á vikri til ræktunar og í byggingariðnað.

Pumice is created when magma erupts out of the volcanic crater. Gases enter the magma on its way up the crater and change the magma into a froth-like material. Solidification of this foamed magma results in a porous aggregate with incredible insulating properties, high particle strength and very low density. This aggregate is called pumice.

Hekla Pumice is a porous and very abrasive aggregate which can support the application of biological organisms and biological processes to manufacturing and service industries. The pumice can be used as a shelter for microscopic organisms and it can also be used to filter chemical and biochemical substances.


Hrólfur Ölvisson
