Umfar ehf

Umfar ehf. er fyrirtæki sem sérhæfir sig í leiðsögn og ferðaskipulagi fyrir fólk sem vill fara í gönguferðir um sunnanverða Vestfirði. Í boði eru ýmsar dagleiðir og val um nokkurra daga gönguferðir.
Gönguferðir um gamlar þjóðleiðir, heiðar, fjöll, dali og náttúruperlur, Vestfjarða. Látrabjarg, Rauðasandur, Barðaströnd, Patreksfjörður, Arnarfjörður, Tálknafjörður, Skorarhlíðar.
Skipuleggjum ferðir, veitum leiðsögn í hópferðum og gönguhópum um suðurhluta Vestfjarða.
Umfar offers guided hiking trips in the south-most part of the Westfjords peninsula.
Please contact us via email or at +354 456 5111
Trips in the summer of 2011.
Abandoned farms
Rauðasandur is a peculiar place. It is named after its seemingly endless stretch of red, yellow and orange sand (in fact it is not endless but 10 km., impressive never the less!). The odd seal sticks its head out of the sea and maybe stays for a leisurly sun bath at the delta.
The hike starts at Melanes and takes you to the abandoned farm Sjöundá and further to Skor. The steep cliffs make the hike an inspiring and picturesque one.
Steep cliffs and golden sands
Látrabjarg cliffs is a natural phenomena on a grand scale. Being the biggest bird cliff in northern Atlantic, it is the setting for a long history of man’s fight for livelihood. For centuries, the cliff has given and taken; a rich source of food but at the same time extremely inaccessible as such. With a vertical fall of a few hundred meters it is nothing short of breathtaking. The area is in the process of becoming a national park.
The tour begins by visiting the Hnjotur museum. From there, a bus takes us to Geldingsskorardalur, where a memorial has been erected to commemorate the feat when fishermen were saved from the stranded British ship Dhoon in December 1947. The hike starts at the memorial at 350 metres above sea level. Following sheep trails downwards, the guide informs about the history of stranded ships, egg collection and food collection in and near the cliffs. Teeming puffins, guillemots and razorbills are tam,e and a joy for photographers or anyone trying to be one. After hiking the 11 kilometres, the bus takes you back to the museum. Total travelling time is 7-8 hours.
Jóhann Svavarsson