Mynd af Héraðsskjalasafnið á Akureyri

Héraðsskjalasafnið á Akureyri

Hlutverk Héraðsskjalasafnsins á Akureyri er söfnun, innheimta, skráning og varðveisla skjala og annarra heimilda um starfsemi og sögu héraðsins til notkunar fyrir stjórnendur og starfsmenn sveitarfélaga og stofnana þeirra svo og fyrir einstaklinga. Þetta er gert til þess að tryggja hagsmuni og réttindi bæði opinberra aðila og einstaklinga og einnig til notkunar við fræðilegar rannsóknir á sögu svæðisins. Héraðsskjalasafnið annast einnig eftirlit og ráðgjöf varðandi skjalavörslu.

Héraðsskjalasafnið á Akureyri or The District Archives in Akureyri is located at Brekkugata 17, 3rd floor. Here.

The objective of the archives is the collection and preservation of documents and other recorded sources from the history of the district, for use by administration, organisations and individuals. This is done to safeguard their interests and rights and as an aid to scientific and academic research. The jurisdiction of the archives spans all districts in Eyjafjörður, with the exception of the district of Dalvíkurbyggð and Fjallabyggð. The archives contains chiefly documents from the municipality of Akureyri and its institutions and also from other municipalities in the district.

We have also documents from various associations, it is their duty to deliver their archives if they have achieved money from the municipalities or from the state. We have of course no right to claim for private papers, but we collect as much as we can of such papers of historical value, i.e. letter-collections, diaries, manuscripts of literature and so on.

Genealogy is increasing hobby or study in Iceland and we have church records from the whole country on microfilms.

We offer advice on the use of recorded sources, visitors to the reading room receive assistance and instruction and there is information and data search service available for administrative departments and the public. It is also possible to send information requests by email at


Lára Ágústa Ólafsdóttir
